Welcome to Hawaii Community Acupuncture!
We are committed to providing the highest quality care and experience possible. We strive to make acupuncture an affordable wellness care option for everyone.
We Have a Sliding Scale
We offer treatments on a sliding scale of $30-$60. First Visit $35-$60. You decide what you can afford. There is never any need to prove your income. Our only goal is for you to be able to find out how useful acupuncture can be for you. Acupuncture is most effective for current health concerns when it is done frequently and regularly. We've found this to be especially true at the beginning of a course of treatment.
Acupuncture is a PROCESS. While you may resolve a problem completely with one treatment, frequent treatment is much more likely to lead to relief. Your acupuncturist will suggest a course of treatment based on the intensity and duration of your health concern. Twice a week is usually the minimum needed to get some momentum moving ahead with a health issue – though more frequent visits are common for short periods of time if the problem is quite intense.
We Treat in a Community Setting
​We believe a group setting has many benefits: it’s easier for friends and family to come in together and it allows patients to keep their needles in as long as they want. Most people learn after a few treatments when they feel 'done' or 'cooked'. This can take anywhere from twenty minutes to an hour or so.The treatment room is meant to remain a quiet space for you and others to rest, sleep and sort it all out. Its atmosphere exists through our patients relaxing together. We appreciate everyone’s presence...we find this kind of collective stillness a rare and valuable thing in our rushed and isolating society. Maintaining this reservoir of calm requires very little talking in the clinic space – including us. If you would like to speak to your acupuncturist one-on-one at great length, please let us know. We can arrange for time in the office.
What to Expect at Your First Appointment
When you first come in, complete the double-sided registration & new patient form. We would like you to pay before your treatment. We will gladly give you a printed receipt, upon request. If you need to leave at a certain time, let us know, or you might sleep through it! After all the bookkeeping stuff is out of the way, you may want to use the restroom and get a drink of water...and please turn all electronic devices OFF.
Please eat something before your appointment: It's not a good idea to get acupuncture on an empty
stomach. Acupuncture can move a lot of qi (energy) which may leave you a little light-headed after a session. Food in the belly helps to center and ground your energy to avoid this from happening!
The acupuncturist will introduce herself and review your health history, listen to your health concerns
and goals, explain the acupuncture process, and will help ensure that you are relaxed and comfortable at all times. She will answer any questions you may have and recommend a treatment plan before you leave.
Relax and bliss out for the next 30-60 minutes! If you have never had acupuncture before, you may be a bit nervous at first, but you're in for a real treat. This is a safe and healing space.
Our Commitment to You
We want our community to be welcoming to all different kinds of people. We want to give you the tools to take care of your own health in a safe environment with skilled, experienced practitioners. We will always be available to listen to any advice and/or feedback you may have about HCA. We will do all of this with a sense of humor and help from you as well. Please enjoy the space and time to do your work. We're happy you're here.
With gratitude and love,
Hawaii Community Acupuncture 'ohana
It is good to have something to eat about an hour before your treatment.
Wear comfortable clothes that allow access to areas below the elbows and knees.
Silence is golden! Keep in mind that there will be others in the room with you receiving treatments. Please turn your cellphones off when entering the clinic and be respectful of those around you who have come to relax and renew as you have.
If possible, set aside time after your treatment to rest.
There is a one time additional First Visit fee with your initial consultation and acupuncture session.
Payments are due at the time of service. We accept cash, check, or Mastercard and Visa.
Due to our low sliding scale fees, we do not accept insurance claims. We are happy to provide you a receipt to submit for reimbursement at the time of service.
You may also download our Welcome & New Patient Form to bring to your first appointment. Thank you for your time and consideration of our policies and feel free to ask us if you have any questions!